
Barrier Screen Protector


Barrier Screen Protector


Barrier Screen Protector


Barrier Screen Protector


Barrier Screen Protector

Barrier Screens are used at checkout lines at cash registers, reception desks, grocery stores, health clinics, doctors’ offices, banks, pharmacies, retail stores, office environments, schools and universities.


Seals, Protects, Preserves for the Ultimate Long-lasting Protection for your Barrier Screen

There is overwhelming demand for barrier screens to help control the spread of viruses. They have become a necessity for business and commercial operations to help control the spread of viruses. Barrier screens are the new norm to enable businesses to operate safely and recommended by public health agencies.

The Problem with Barrier Screens

With the installation of barrier screens businesses have a new problem – they must look good – always! They are literally the “window” in which customers see you and your company. You do not want your customers to look through a dirty screen. Dust, dirt, smudges, fogginess, and scratches look ugly, create a negative impression and reflect poorly on your business.


The Problem with Barrier Screens

With the installation of barrier screens businesses have a new problem – they must look good – always! They are literally the “window” in which customers see you and your company. You do not want your customers to look through a dirty screen. Dust, dirt, smudges, fogginess, and scratches look ugly, create a negative impression and reflect poorly on your business.

The secret in proper care of your barrier screens

The most important step in caring for your barrier screens is sealing the surfaces properly, thereby eliminating surface imperfections. This should be the first thing you do prior to installing the screens. ScreenBClean is the ultimate sealer, offering long-lasting screen protection.

What makes a perfect sealer for barrier screens and why is that important?

Every surface has millions of tiny, microscopic imperfections. Dirt sinks into these tiny crevices and continues to make the screen dirty over time. ScreenBClean consists of tiny Nanoparticles that penetrate deep into and fill in these millions of surface imperfections, creating a smooth surface that eliminates the small crevices where dirt accumulates, and scratches get a foot-hold. ScreenBClean is the ultimate defense against the deterioration of your barrier screens. It takes seconds to apply and can be used on virtually any type of plastic or glass. It is the world’s first and only product designed specifically to completely solve the problem of screen care.

Caring for your screens is vital to keep the screens looking good day after day to maintain their longevity, however a proper cleaning protocol must be followed. The screens should be cleaned a minimum of once every day to help eliminate contamination from touching. Currently, there exists much confusion on how best to clean and maintain. The drawback to many types of plastic is that they are prone to abrasion and scratching. Plus, certain cleaning products, i.e. those that contain alcohol, ammonia, or bleach can degrade the screen quality. Using harsh chemicals can immediately eat into and cloud the surface. The choice of wipes in also important. Using cotton or cotton blends can spread lint as well as bacteria and germs if re-used. Re-usable wipes are a better solution, but some can be abrasive and constant use can be expensive. And just using soap and water is not going to work in keeping your screens looking crystal clear months from now. Please note the ScreenBClean is not a cleaner – it makes cleaning easier and more effective and provides the layer of protection that helps prevent damage and deterioration to your screen. Follow the cleaning protocol that works best for you depending on recommendations from the screen manufacturer and the particular demands of your business, your traffic and your staff allocation.


ScreenBClean’s formula contains Self-Cleaning Ti02



You may have heard of TI02 – it is known to have self-cleaning properties. We have added it to the formula to enhance protection. The capacity of photocatalyst TiO2 to degrade organic contaminants on surfaces has been studied for more than 20 years. When exposed to light TiO2 produces free oxygen that decompose organic material and bacteria on surfaces – the reason it is known to have self-cleaning properties. Ti02 in the nano form dramatically increases the contact area available to react with other molecules. The result is oxidization and decomposition of pollutants into harmless substances, making the plastic surface easier to clean. In addition, as a catalyst TiO2 maintains its’ properties without being used up – for long-lasting effect.

To summarize:


Save money – with proper care barrier screens can last many years. With improper care they will cloud and possibly scratch and your investment will need to be replaced in no time


Create the right impression of your business – dirty screens can be a total turn-off and the way your business is judged by your customers. A clear screen is worth a 1,000 words!


Dirty screens can spread contaminants – avoiding this is the very reason barrier screens are used in the first place – to increase worker and consumer safety. However they must be cleaned and cared for properly

To Order Product:

The 8 oz bottles are now available to order on Amazon with an Amazon Business Account.
ScreenBClean is also available in one gallon containers and 5 gallon pails. For more information on pricing in the one gallon and 5 gallon containers send us an email to or call us at 813-907-2949

CTA Products, LLC
27524 Cashford Circle, Ste 102
Wesley Chapel FL 33544
Tel: 813-907-2949

Fax: 813-907-2026

For more information send your request to

About Us

CTA Products, LLC has been developing innovative and practical nanotechnology products for the past 12 years when we first introduced Nano Power Finish, the All-In-One Surface Protection product that seals, protects and preserves hard surfaces.
Our products are eco-friendly with the goal of improving lives through green chemistry.
Our mission is for our customers to receive value beyond their expectations on every transaction they engage with our company.

Are your sneeze guards creating an image problem?

They will if they are dirty, cloudy or laced with scratches.
Your sneeze guards are the “windows” of how your customers now see you and your company.

A dirty screen creates a negative impression (and yes, customers do notice).
It is also unsanitary and defeats the purpose of installing the barriers.

The first to proper maintenance of your plastic barriers is to seal and protect them so dirt does not penetrate.

ScreenBClean is the only product designed to provide a long-lasting seal for your sneeze guards and barrier screens to help to maintain their crystal-clear look. It is also eco-friendly, easy to apply, and leaves no residue.

For more information on how you can protect your barrier screen investment and keep your company looking good,
email us at or call the experts at CTA Products, LLC.